
We found each other, We fell in love with each other, And together we can be strong through everything and anything.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Well, it has been a very long time since i have wrote on here on account that we did not have Internet. And, well, WE HAVE IT BABY! So I should be keeping up with this almost daily. I have had a lot of people asking me about when i would write my next post so here it goes! First of all, i would like to say a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my son who is now the big 1!
We had such a great birthday celebration this weekend! The first birthday party was at the Kappes Casa! It was a Minnesota Twins themed party since we are obsessed with them, Carson is forced to be as well!
Our great friend Katie came from Montana and she helped me slave over a hot stove to get these cupcakes done just in time!!
Lots of family came to watch Carson eat his cake and open presents!! Our next stop was my parents house for his 2nd 1st birthday party :) He had a cars theme at this one!
He also had lots of friends and family at this party.  For everyone that doesn't know this already, Carson has an obsession for wheels. Whether it be a tire or a steering wheel. He loves touching them, moving them, or turning them. So needless to say, he loved my family's new side by side!
Carson got a smash cake at both parties. The first party he just dipped his finger in it so gently and slowly started grabbing at it. The second party, he knew what to do and just started digging in! It made for many laughs! He is to precious!

We couldn't ask for a better little man! He makes us laugh every day and to see his personality grow each and every day makes our lives complete! We love him with all we have and would give him the world 10 times over if we could!!

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