
We found each other, We fell in love with each other, And together we can be strong through everything and anything.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Putting in Laminate floors yourself!

My husband and father in law decided to tackle this project! First we had to take out ALL the old floor! Here is a few pictures of the original flooring!
This would be our living room and dining room!

Here is our living room and part of the kitchen.
This is our dining room, and our little peanut when we first moved into our house.

And this is looking into our tiny kitchen. They spent a couple weeks on finishing the floor and I wish we would have thought about doing step by step instructions for everyone that would have liked to learn how it was done but here is the finished project!

The dining room. We cut to fit that piece of flooring too for in front of the door.

this is part of the dining room as well!

Our little table and our freshly painted wall with the sign my daddy made for us.
And our kitchen.
And our living room, with the little peanut again :) I would say they did a pretty good job!!

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