To be Jolly, Falalalalalalalalalaaa. Right? Any who. It is just about Friday. Woohoo! Does anyone else think that the days drag on but the weeks fly by? What do we have, 3 weeks until Christmas? Speaking of that, Santa is coming to town this weekend! Carson is Thrilled. So Thrilled to see this jolly man that we speak of every day. We play Elf on the Shelf who hides every morning and Carson gets to go find him. It brightens his day as soon as he finds him. And it brightens mine to think that my little man believes. He believes Santa is coming to our house and Christmas Eve. He believes that Brady (our elf) is watching him to tell Santa if he has been a naughty boy. I love this. I can not wait for the day he wakes up on Christmas morning and runs out into the living room to see what Santa has brought for him. Can. Not. Wait. And this year is also Hudson's first Christmas! I'm pretty sure he will be more then willing to get into the presents and tear them apart! Here is Brady this morning.

He is sleeping on marshmallows on the microwave. Carson LOVED this. All morning, he has come up to me saying, "Shh, Brady sleeping". Oh that boy. I was running out of random hiding spots for him so now we get to do fun things. But I thought I would share a little of our Holiday decorating. I called my mom the other day to tell her that we really don't have many decorations. We lived in an apartment for awhile and only had a tree so now with a house, we need more stuff! Aaron and I always go to Target a week or two after Christmas and get the best deals on Christmas décor. I think we got our table cloth for $5.00 down from $30.00 and all of our garland was no more than $5.00 as well. I hope to find a new Christmas tree this year. Ours isn't as full as I would like and I want it as tall as I can. I love decorating trees and if I could, I would have them up all year!

This isn't a very great shot of the tree because it is daylight out and I couldn't get the whole light effect. But, I use the same decorations every year but maybe add some here and there. I love the natural feel of the tree and sprayed some of that fake snow on the branches to lighten them up a bit. The original color of the tree was so fake looking. It was a pretty bright green and of course the needles of the tree looked fake. Added a few pine cones and my bulbs. I love it!

So, I have always wanted a fire place. Oh how I would give my left leg for a real one (well, probably not) but, this is our electric one. It was found at an auction for, drum roll please...................$25! Talk about a deal! It works great! The heater is awesome but we try not to use it much because it is electric and I don't need a $300 bill! I have had a few people now ask where we had gotten our stockings from. They are from . It is where my mom works and I would suggest everyone go take a look there at some point in their lives. They have amazing deals on furniture, appliances, clothes, food and so much more! We bought our brand new, stainless steal, Whirlpool stove there for $300. Love it!

Here are a few, well most of my Christmas Décor. Ha ha. I told you, we don't have much. I think it's something that you just add here and there as you get older. And when we are in our 60's, we may have a whole decorated house! Those are the rules, so we stick to them. And deals.
And this was just a little Pinterest project that I spotted the other day. I whipped it together in 10 minutes this morning. You can tell. I just ripped out pieces of paper from an old book, cut it and wrote the letters on there. Easy project for someone with nicer handwriting than myself. So that pretty much sums up my Christmas décor. Any suggestions for DIY ideas, shoot them my way! I love doing little projects at home!! Until tomorrow...